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Thursday, April 29, 2010

the Microsoft courier dies? (no)

today Gizmodo realsed something VERY silly.

they claimed the courier died...... which is just silly.
lets think about this for a second....then i well reach out and slap Gizmodo for bothering to speak about this.

knowing what the courier is, means they have dumped a LOT of money into it.
which means that if they let as much talk generate and information be released on it.
which means they have no doubt bin reading some of the word from the people on the divice.
which means they know how bad people want it

SO, first off MS is no fool they know that abandoning the project would be a foolish move.
they have done no such thing.
SO lets take a look at the company right now as of whats going on.

1) they just came out with a new OS (windows 7)
2) they just came out with a new zune (zune HD)
3) are about 2 weeks away from releasing KIN
4) have a big show at E3 to release the Xbox slim and Natal
5) all of the crazy dealing with the new Natal game developers, and windows mobile app developers
6) the fall release of Xbox Natal, Xbox slim, Windows mobile 7 phones

not to mention any other projects the R&D labs might be working on
that they are probably just putting the "courier" off to the side for now

which clearly means it not dead.....not dead.....not dead

but why my ("") cus hear is what is MOST likely going on.

1) renaming the thing, Xbox was not going to be originally called Xbox 360
but the name stuck. but the name was like how Nintendo called the wii "Nintendo revelation"
but Nintendo stated it was just an idea name. MS just stuck with 360. but originally it was going to be called something elce.
hints the release of "Xbox slim" not being called "Xbox slim 360"
and Xbox Natal...not "Xbox 360 natal" or Xbox Natal 360"

they are hinting of the NEXT Xbox being called NOT Xbox 720
so "courier" is probably going through identity issues and is probably changing its name.

2) after the ipad and its stupid ass showed up with no HD, no camera (let alone HD camera)
no microphone, or USB option for a key bored, camera extra....
MS is probably looking at the faults and redeeming things about ipad and applying them to the
"live journal" or "tablet" project

3) they are probably upping things such as
if MAC (ya thats right i said it the compeny name is MAC not apple)
if MAC (short for Macintosh) has no camera
u can be pretty sure the "live journal" well have a HD camera
if mac has no pen, then the "live journal" well have a digetizer pen like HP touch pens
....and so on

4) as time goes by the price for a GB goes down. when it comes out it well probably have more memory then ipad.

5) also they just acquired a lot of the app (short for application) to work on the windows mobile 7
that means that app compeys of 3rd party would have to then be called to work on stuff for the "live jernal" as well. making the app making market people go down.
so they probably want focus on windows mobile 7 (long for wm7) for now at least.

6) clearly with WM7 and KIN they want to include zune in the product this well be a deffenit for the "live journal" as well. and some sort of windows CE.
so they probably (this is more of a hunch) but they are probably going to see how the WM7 dues in peoples hands and see what kind of things are developed for it.
that way they can better apply it to the "live journal"
the same could be said from what it can take from HP slate

in all i well hold my ground as say with all things considered above the "courier" is not dead
just having identity issues and well be back later looking better then ever and with a new name
so sure gizmodo the name "courier" is probably dead....but not the product.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

dear xbox (one)

ok SOOOOOO, from what im hearing in the RUMMER MILL is that surffergirl is claiming that xbox well be releasing a SLIM version of the xbox 360 in black along with Natal this fall and from what i would consider a DUH when it comes to M.G.S. standing for metal gear solid.

the thing i have to say is, im getting a 20gb refurbished xbox (with 2 controllers) from gamestop.
and im only buying it with the understanding that Natal well work with the 360. and wile i would only guess that a slim xbox 360 would work the same as a reguler 360 and their for work with Natal. i still wonder if that is the case hear?

next as i couldent be more thrilled to hear news of a new must wonder well it do well with NO controller or? if their well be some sort of mixed use?

this point i have to bring up wile im chatting it up, but it well be interesting to see cross platform games coming out on all 3 systems motion controlls.

wii working with the wiimote
ps3 working off of its controller/camera combo
xbox working off the Natal camera.
how well could we make a shooter for the wii and ps3 and would Natal be bale to hold up?

and sports or adventure game on the Natal seams like it would be better then on the ps3 or wii
so my prediction hear is that the 3 systems well see verry different games on each system
say their is a new spyro the dragon game

wile it might be easy to controll on a the wii and probably the playstation 3 it well be much different doing away with a controller all together with the Natal camera being your base.
develepers well have to also make acomedations for using the same action OVER and OVER
in the same sence of butten pressing.
or would a spyro the dragon game just be completly different on the Natal all together?

eather way providing that my spending $200 on a referbished xbox pro well not be in vain and i well be able to add the Natal to it. then i well be getting it. though i am skeptical of the price tage being only $50-$80 when the other systems are pricing their hardware for a little more.
but if it is indeed that price you well be sure yours truely well be one of the first in line for it.

going back to ALL motion controllers for a moment i would have to say that this is a good time for all the 3D tv's to come out. i think that sure its gimiky for movies and every once and a wile you might get something good out of it.
but for gaming this well be amazing, and adding motion controlles to it.....were getting to be having a truly grate gaming experience hear.

on top of that ill be looking at the 3DS for some good feedback in that direction.
3d screen
rumble stylus
and excelarometor.......this is all raped in one with the mostlikly return of
internal memory and internet