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Monday, May 17, 2010

3d projector....YES...maybe,2817,2362893,00.asp

ok so this to me seams very exciting, why? well shut up and i well tell you good sir or

ok so this is what iv bin wanting...maybe

me im more partial to a projector VS tv ...simply because

1) portability
if i want i can go camping, go to my office, go to my friends house, or just bring it from one room to the next with not much effort other then re hooking in cords. but hay its better then a 50 lb tv right?

2) multi platform
a projector in todays times can hook up to tv, cable box (or other tv input), a laptop, desktop, gaming, and even mp3 players. most tv's can maybe hook up to your computer....IF....

3) screen size
i can make a projector "any" size i want (for the most part) and still keep a good image. though i well have to make sure the room is dark, thats ok with me.

but now the idea is that their is this 3d projector. which to me is good cus its all the other reasons but now also in 3d

but from the sound of things all media on this thing well be in 3d (providing you ware glasses) ok i can live with that. its really not a big deal...and the people that make it sound like a big deal....your silly.

but something i think still eludes people.
and thats making all media 3d. i see no reason a but a 3d tv that needs a 3d blue ray player AND 3d content....whats the point in spending 4,000+ for a very small WOW factor.
i want the word 3D tv to mean it makes all content 3d, and well yes 3d content well look better then converting "2d" content to 3d it would still make sense that ..thats what it dues.

next im hopping that people have enough sense to make a simple "firmware update" to
the xbox360, wii, and ps3 that includes a 3d option.
so it would just MAKE a 3d image on your tv for you. rather then jumping through hoops just to get SOME of your media to be in 3d.
so if concels could do this it would be amazing because as the image is being rendered it could do all the technical things to make it appear in 3d, and later 3d games would look even better. just the same i hope that indeed that ether this projector
can convert all video into 3d or im hoping one well come out with it soon. just because it hitting the market now dues not mean this is difficult tech or new ...its just new to the public market.

oh silly silly you are about the nintendo 3DS

OK so the Nintendo company has released info or rather a photo of
the image at best is to be glanced at and with no further thought into what it is...
E3 is ....roughly 2 months away and yet the tech media is biting its fingers at any new info over natal or the 3DS
and it seams that every time some one comes out with any info about the 3ds it has to be taken way to over the top....

ok so hear are my ...more sain thoughts ....seeings how i tend to be more right about things then the media tends to be.

one the 3DS is well...going to have 2 screen DERRRR
and is backwards compatible so lets think for a minit
no one is going to make ONE screen BIGGER then the other because for those games that are backwards .....ummm hello its going to look weird, next Nintendo wants to be game developer friendly CLEARLY and so NO their (im very sure) would not be one big screen one small screen...come on people.

next if u look at the bored it dues not make any sense at all to figure out HOW that thing would work as a gaming device....clearly the shape is off...and since thats the case then im very sure the screens are also off.
as for other thoughts of it being ONE screen in 3d......silly Nintendo would look rather silly showing up with only one screen in 3d.....i mean that would be like the DS having one screen in color and the other in B&W.

but like i said in another blog, the 3DS well probably come with
better and more high rez screens in widescreen.
it well also probably take a higher rode with more like game cube like graphics or at least something u see on the zune HD with the tegra chip from Nvidea.
(also hopefully each screen well not only be touch but multi touch)

also this photo seems to be lacking a lot of things that make one sort of squint at all the people who get all excited about what may be a thumb stick...WOOO
but ull also take note their is no arrow key pad with i dont know about u but that would take a lot out of the game play for those backwards games so like the psp it well probably have both or just the classic game boy arrow key pad

also ware are the other 4 buttons, shoulder pads, and select/start.....oh ya also missing.
so like i get any thing out of this photo would be this.
this THING...has 2 screens....END.....their really is not much to say, the screens arnt on and this pic is so small that u cant really get any thing from END

Saturday, May 8, 2010

e3 prediction 2010 (first entry)

the 3ds

ok first off i well say what we do know about the new gaming system befor i go on the rest of the rant.

first of what is ABSOLUTLY clear about nintendo's new game boy for 2010
it that it WELL have 3d veiwing....with out the need for some neato shades (glasses)
and that it well still work in stero scopic
Beowulf, avatar, how to train your dragon.

though it is unclear how this effect well happen with out the glasses.
what is interesting how ever is if the 3d well work with the 3d-graphics
thus producing a REALY grate effect much better then a movie.
we also know that if you want u can turn this effect off.

we do know it is also backwards compatible with ds/dsi games
wich means what people? it can take piks....and if i can take piks it must have a camera(s)

that being said, thats all we realy know about this thing.
SO let the predictions begin...


1) if has to have a camera im only guessing that this means that the DSi was a prototype for people to buy, see what the consumer likes then inprove those likes for the 3DS
so as for that camera or two like in the dsi it well most likely see a BIG increase in pixel count
im guessing their going to take a look around at things like the MS kin and iphone and other such things to see what kind of main streem cameras their starting to put in products wich has only just resently started to make mega pixel count get bigger.

for example the kin two has a 8 mega pixel camera and HD video
(maybe the 3DS well have video as play/record as well)

so im going to say that the 3DS well have a grater mega pixel count with much HIGHER rez
this well also be very good for those DSi games that use a camera u well probably be able to play the games a lot better.

2) more integration with social media networks (twitter, facebook, myspace)
i would love to see not only the obilaty to upload to facebook my photos, but also twitpick, and myspace.
or to have a re designed pictochat that includes a twitter option, and even a option to skype, or to just have skype app in general. i mean if u have a mic and camera, and they can hook up to the 3DS's wireless internet....then why not have a Skype, yahoo, or MSN chat option. skype is just fine for me, but most of my contacts are on yahoo.

3) this one we kinda know, but not sure if this is when its going to come out.....but most likely well be, that of course is the rumble stylus
this well be REALY cool for gaming finely....not only is it a interesting idea to have rumble. but to aslso have it out side of the gaming system. and if it is for the 3DS i cant wait to see how it works, feels, and people's reactions to it along with the 3D

4) next is the screen.....dear god the screen.....its not the graphics the make me mad about the DS/Dsi its the screen pixels....ugh they make me mad.
nice piks and imeges become clunky and distroted with the screen.
but i have got some interesting scoop on that as well.
now as much as i would LOVE to see the 3DS copy a but from the zune HD and sony's new OLED 3D tv, and have that NICE OLED screen.
wich u can read about hear from GE
this would mean true BLACK due to the pixel shutting off, light coling from the pixel its self not a back light, meaning brighter colors, mazing pixel count due to no real pixels in the screen, and longer battery life......
that being said what i have heard is that no OLED.....sad times...that being said what i have bin hearing is almost as exciting.
the idea would be a multi viewing screen, with a different image on different angels.
their is also talk about the 2 screen being able ot be slid together to make one big screen
im hoping this means also that both screen are not only touch sensative but have multi touch
perhaps that would help the 3d effect, but i also wonder if that means they would include

5) a accelerometer (in device motion censor, like the zune HD and iphone)
which would also be fun for gaming not just viewing tricks to enhance the 3D effect.

6) ok quick mid blog reveiw


*backwards compatible (meaning camera's, mic, internet, wirless, plays ds/light/dsi games)


* ruble stylus
* OLED, or directional viewing lcd
* sliding screens to make one big (wide) screen (good for video play, crosses fingers)
* both screens include touch/multi touch
* bigger mega mixel count in camera's with higher rez image (possibly video)
* upped graphic quality say game cube like or better graphics, (rumers of a Nvida chip)

-side note on the Nvidea chip, would be better the game cube (AVI chip), and would produce somehting like the zune HD (higher power then iphone) and well also be in the new windows mobile 7 phones this fall, in the xbox 360 (wich by the way alos gets the Natal system in the fall)

what elce could a gammer want from this thing


better shoping talking something with real apps not just games. and with better quality in downloud games.
but at the same time apps that would make sence on the 3Ds not just some random crap that you would see on the silly out of controle iphone/ipod/ipad market
also ebooks.....its got 2 screens opens like a better have ebooks

software for the device that would allow me to watch/convert video(wmv, vidx), music (to MP3!!!! not weird mac file) and or piks (jpg)

keep the use of the use of the SD card slot. my camera uses it, my HP touch smart uses it, my wii uses it......and my curent DSi uses better keep it for the 3DS.
by the way its nice to know i can take piks with the DSi, or take piks and vid with my camera then just put it in the wii and then see them big on my tv or when i get my next toy the pico
pocket projector. and see it realy big.
YAY (i wonder if i can see my imeges (or if i can do video) see that midea in the 3DS's 3D?
i also wonder if backwards compatible games well be in 3d as well (3D veiwing next best thing to 3d pokemon)

youtube.......COME ON
netflix .........COMEON.....maybe

this is a rumer, but it is fesh enough to still be a wish and that is to have 3g/4g sim card obilaty
....granted i well be realy mad if u have to buy this thing from a store and be forced to ....say use it on at&t or verison.....and then a big S.O.L. to those of use that dont want to use the carrier we already have or want another one!!!!!!!!! (same feachers including net with half the cost .....ya

but that is more of a thing i can live without if its a no go....every thing elce im going to be bumbed about if it dont show up in my box

now im sure that at least half of my preditions well come true
and even though microsft is putting off the courier project and later going to just call it something elce.
it is clear that till then the 3DS well be a grate hybred of DS and courier.
now lets hope that nintendo well consider most of this

i think the biggest thing hear is better screen, better camera, more sosial networking

and if the screens conect as one....then please video play/record

ok this is my first of meany blogs about early E3 news....ill also be covering more when E3 rolls around

joker gallagher

ty's ties

ok my mom came up with that name, but it is cetchy for a blog name any way.

SO, after much thought and coming up with a quick buissness plan. i came to talking with the head of the the company "graphic elephants"

and well be meeting with mr Ken Konnerup a long time family friend which is part owner of
graphic elephants
tomaro well be our meeting at the pizza restraint
and well well be discussing plans for my first line of neck ties
i have spent all week coming up with designs and well be showing him tomaro. along with picking out types of silk, branding, printing process.....and so on.
so i went ahead and put up 4 select designs on deviant art
(for copy writing the designs)
wich u can see hear

skull heart by ~gallagher666 on deviantART

Friday, May 7, 2010

the smart product is every ware.

and so the wave of smart house products begins, phones that act like mp3 players, mp3 players that act like web brosers, cameras that act like phones, consuls acting like tv's, tables acting like computers, now alarm clocks! thanks to sony

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

when im write im right

haha do i know what im talking about or what?

only days after every one FREAKED out over the "death" of the courier project from MS
MR gates him self told fox news that MS is working on several tablet projects.

so like i said courier is just going through identity issues. but well be back with new style but same grace

but rhather then type out each detial of the interveiw just read this excerpt from