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Saturday, October 24, 2009

ZUNE VS ipod touch ......VS DSI VS PSP GO

first off lets just talk soft ware 1) smart DJ vs genius smart DJ take comprehnsive information such as bands influinsed by the artist/song/albalm and or bands that relate genuis only takes bands of that ganre. then with smart DJ u can save the new play list, it also comes up with NEW bands that u dont have songs to. so u can alsways find NEW music.

2) lay out zune lats u costimize from 11 different themes i tunes is ...gray... zune has a simple TAB system that lets u choose, your system IE, divice, computer, store, sosial, chanel, apps, .... and also sub tabs , songs, albalm, aritst, director, tv, movie, ..... and changing albalm info is as easy as drag and drop, or even a simple right click to eddit metadata.

3) u can conect ur divice to ur WIFI and send it new songs and other midea. wich once u start using theis feacher u end up using it all the time. 4) itunes, zune, and rapcity all have movies, songs, tv shows, pod casts. but only itunes and zune have apps i tunes dues have a app selection that has built over 4-5 years and zunes app store is only ...1 month old. so it well be a wile befor it has the same kind of library. but what it can do is look at all mac apps and copy and make better, wich it is doing by take the 15 tiwitter apps from itunes and making one well rounded titter app.

4) games note that both divices have touch, screen and motion sensiing (ecelaromiter) but the zune is multie touch...and only the NEW ipod touch 3g has multi touch. but zune also has presure sensativaty. and thinks to its NEW INAVATIVE technology of the OLED screen the screen is 30% more vivid in color, and deeper blacks, higher pix count (becuase the screen is on fabric not glass) this new screen also is a few cenimeters thiner because of this fabric creen it also makes the touch tech more sensative then the ipod so when it comes to gaming its well rounded for the fun aspect but what about game play? sure it might have a brigter screen with higher color rez, and new up to date ecelaromiter, and even a multi touch pressure sensative screen...but what about grifics? well ugh hem it has the latist Nvidea graphic card....wich is not even released for computer yet. so mac couldent even have used it...not that it uses Nvidea any way is uses some other brand of graphic card.....even though Nvidea is what u well see in just about every computer....and OMG thats right its in EVERY gaming system DS, WII, PSP, PS3, Xbox, XBOX 360...and oh ya the ZUNE. so what u well realy be buying is the xbox game boy

5)game sales xbox clearly has the biggist library of games. and game developers. so not only is it going to be using REAL game developers for its games (like it has allready) wich mac just highers no name developers and random 3rd party devolpers for its games/apps. so whats the big deal? well wich would u rather buy a game from? bungie...the creator of HALO or.....
Ugh hem……oh ya that’s right appl wont release the name of the developers on its site or on its app store….that way people can….never know or try and contact those devolopers…cus….mac is a greedy company that dues not like to share…..

6) zune pass/xbox points/xbox live/ zune points VS itunes….
Well if u use xbox live/zune points/ xbox points u can spend all those same points on eather system (providing ur not retarted and u set up just one acount)
So what lets say u want to buy a game off of xbox arcade
(wich a lot of games including xbox arcade games well be making a zune version)
So u can buy that game with lets say ….500 points
U can then use the remainder of those 1000 points (u would have 500 left)
And u can spend it on movies, apps, or songs for the zune…and not have ot buy 2 cards for both…..and if u have zune pass u can get 1000 points + uniletid songs for the whole month so spend those 1000 points on movies, or apps, or xbox stuff, and get as much music as u want all month!!!
Or with itunes u can pay $10+ for a movie/tv show
Or spend $1 per song…..even though with zune pass u can not only down load unlimited all month u could always use those 1000 points at the end of the month and still pay $1
If you realy wanted to….(rolles eyes)

7) zune social, is an amazing tool, u can not only creat a zune account, but then after words zune well ceep track of all the band info u create till u plug zune back in (or conect on wifi)
So ur zune account well show how Meany times u have listened to a song, artist, album, or ganre….u can also go into mix view and find other zune users and talk with them share songs,bands….exe and also can find new bands with mix view, and much more
U can even win badges that put u in listening status, so u can ba a “power listener”
So when people use mix view u could be a profile that comes up, and u ur listening staus well also them to see what bands u listen to and find out other grate info.
Itunes just lets u buy media…..end…..tottely taking the social experience out of the media and yes this works with pod casts, and movies as well

8) wall papper wow effect
Wile itunes is still gray, it dues let u see ur albam art (providing u have it)
In big squares…..
Zune pulls up 1 of 2 effects, 1 if zune has updated band info (and ur connected to the internet) it well pull up art by ur band and diplay it with a cool gradient effect, that displays song name, artist, albam and even how menay times that song has bin played by other zune users.
And if ur not connected, then it well show a cool wall of all ur albalm art and it well change randomly to other cd’s

9) PIN
Zune lets u pin any media u want (like th things u want a short cut to)
And place that pin to ur quick play wall. This well let u simply click on ur pin wall and pull up any apps/video/music/piks u want quick access to. Both on the zune and zune software
Mac has no such soft ware…but BOTH also have a search bar
Wich the zune soft ware also pulls up maches to things u don’t have in your library
That way u can always be looking for NEW stuff…and with zune pass its not like ur wasting a lost of money…u already spent it…now use that unlimited town loading

Also in your quick play board u can click on new media
(both in the soft ware and on the zune)
And see what new stuff u have…this is a grate tool for listeners like me who down load like 20+ songs a week. And I always forget what I got….
Itunes also has not such feacher

This also can be found in the quick play bored. It lest u simply see the history of what u have bin listening to, so u can simply find what u were just, listening to or watching, using.

WOW and that was just the soft ware.. HOLY FUCK MY BALLS


Ok so for the sake of this being a VS between the ipod touch…I well only be talking about the ZUNE HD…not older ipods or older zunes

Ipod touch dues have a slightly bigger screen….by just a hair…but what the hell they do have a slightly bigger screen….
BUT as I have explained already the zune has a brighter screen.
Why is that?
Well most TV’s/ all cell phones and other portable media divices use LED
Or light emiting diod technology
This allows a diod (pixel) to create a color, how ever
This dues not creat light. Their for a light sorce is needed along with the screen wich means power is used to create the color, and power a light.
(old games boy black and white did not have a back blight)
New OLED tech or (ORGANIC light emiting diod tech)
Is a screen created on a type of fabric, this fabric of corce has no real pixels, so the image can be verry vivid and detailed and not limited to displaying in milons of tinly glass squares.
This one can resalt in a much higher picture. Also on the plus side of things. This screen creates its own light and color, saving 3 hours of battery life (compared to the ipod tuch)
Wich u may not need 3 extra hours, but u might want 10 exctra minets.
Also because this OLED is esentualy a peace of fabric, the zune is lighter and thiner the the ipods. And also because there are no real pixels the screen is not as limited in color information, and more vivid colors and deeper blacks can be created.

2) you Microsoft network
So lets say u have a zune, a xbox, and a pc. Id u do already have a xbox and pc u should know the 2 of them can talk wirlessly on your home network. And share media, movies, songs, pics. Well if u add your zune to the mix, u get even more, because the zune can talk with ur pc wirlessly, but also your zune can talk to you xbox and also wirlessly
And u can share your zune points with your xbox account
And share movies, pix, tv shows, songs, and OH YA now games (coming in full force December)

3) the age of HD
omg are we comparing mp3 players still? Or are we talking about protable xbox and some portibal media divice…
Well esentualy were not talking about a simple mp3 player any more. We have gotten way more edvanced.
Not only can we look at just music, video, and pix.

But now both systems can brose the internet.
Both have apps stores,

But now the zune takes it a step further, ur not just playing a video, now u can out the video (or screen) now u can also send HD video to your TV

U can also listen to HD radio, wich is a high definition radio,
Wich is AMAZING because it can receave not only band info and such when ur listening to a song, but now the quality is better then regular radio (and if u have the FM tuner NOW UR CAR WELL GET HD RADIO
But also each station bradcasts is as meany as 3 chanels of media, so if u don’t like the song but like the station u can see what elce that station is playing!!!
Not to meantion there are meany more stations in HD.
And of corce there is song tagging, wich is anoth life savor moment, when u hear a song u like can can save it to your shoping cart. To get later.
Now I well say that if u want u can down load the XM radio app for your ipod BUT 2 things 1 u need to have wifi conection, or hooked up to a 3g netowork (wich u well have to pay to get the network)
But u well also have to pay for XM radio….wtf….so ya u can listen to XM radio but wouldn’t u rather spend that money on zune pass and just buy the songs rather then a survice to hear those songs, and a survice to get the survice?

And no, ipod dues not video out HD video…in fact u can put HD video on it….WOW
Why is that a big deal? Well I get to watch HD video on my laptop, and if I have a HD tv then why shouldn’t I be able to send HD video to my tv….my xbox lets me do that…so why the hell now, and OMG if im buying HD movies (wich all movies , and blue ray are in HD) so to not have HD video out is like WTF

4)ok so I well say this about ipod touch, it has a camera…but it takes things at 1-2 mega pixel…WOOOOOO a pik 1 ½ inch big….WOOOOO how fucking stupid is that?
I bought a camera for my pix think u, and it takes 8.5 mega pixel. So I don’t realy give a god dame about a camrea…..ok for gaming elements it might be cool, but that’s why im getting a DSI… I don’t care
Ok it has a mic….granted it has realy horrible play back and only some ipod touch have one…..its still not something I realy care about.
Once again when I want to use that feacher I well get a DSI wich also OMG has better recoriding and even has a memo option to record personal messages, not to mention I can use it to talk to other people using a DSI and use its 2 cameras to take bigger pix and use for video chat……so I think I well stick with the DSI for those such things. And OMG that’s right If I use a DSI I have another APP store DSI ware, and also I get games that are made by real developers once again…
And as zune is slowly reveling that it’s the answer to the PSP and DSI NOT the answer to the ipod. I can still say I would stick with a PSP or a DSI for games.
But still zune is looking amazing for being a portable xbox

So thinking about it….ummmm thinking about it…..why the hell am I comparing the zune to the ipod touch when I should be comparing it to the ipod touch and the DSI and the PSP

All of them have app stores, all of them play games, all have a mp3 player, can view pix and can views video…..

Ok so my point is clear zune beats the shit out of ipod touch hands down.
But how dues it stack up to the PSP and DSI?

that’s a better question. So lets take out the mp3 player stuff, movies, pix
Well first off lets look at their apps stores
Psp has had its since it came out…but ……it also hase never released any thing on it, except game updates….WOOOOO wich almost no game has any…..go figure

Ok DS just became DSI like 3 months ago, so to say its app store all ready has 48 games
And apps is a job well done, though meany of the apps are as simple as “photo clock”
And most of the games are gimic games like “my sims camera” that just take things from other games and then just make a cute little game.
But granted that’s still a lot of games and apps

What about the zune?
Well it came out the stating gate with
7 games and 2 apps
Making a tottel of 9 things wich may not look like it stacks wel up agenst the 2 month old DSI ware app store BUT that’s just at first glance see zune is only a month old DSI ware is 3 months old, and when it first started it only had 5 things
So in retrospect the zune is ahead of the DSI, not to mention most of the DSI games/apps are just exploiting the use of a camera and mic, along with the touch screen.
So 3 months from now, we can see how far zune apps have come.
And wile ipod may apear to be realy cool with its 13,000 + apps
(wich most are just copping other apps, like their dame 13 twitter apps)
You also have to take into acount that the app-le store is about 5+ years old. So thay have clearly had to time to build up, how ever if u look at when they first started they only also had 5 apps.
So after 5+ years we can look back on the DSI and zune and see how far they took this app store and how far they took the idea of portable xbox.

2) graphix
Ok so the zune already beats ipod touhc in this hands down, simply by it having a Nvidea graphix card….but HAY the DSI and PSP have Nvidea…so how dues that stack up.
….well once again zune take sthe cake. It has the newest version of Nvidea, even the new psp dues not have this yet. And clearly it rapes the DSI with the fact that it still has a square screen so when u care looking at something with a wide screen view it gets even smaller…..poo
But how dues it stack up agenst the new PSP screen
AH this one is FINELY a chalinge
Well realy the kinda both win in a sence.
The PSP dues not have a OLED screen….wich sucks because that means the zune still has longer batter, brighter screen, more color, and deeper blacks, and can be thiner, not to meantion malti touch presure sensitive screen…BUT the PSP dues have a bigger screen….I mean WAY bigger almost a good inch, now in hinds site it wont fit in your pocket as easy, but the good thing about this is that u can just have a bigger screen, …OH but wait it also suports HD video…so HD video may be realy cool on a bigger screen….so wich ever u prefer im still guna give this one to zune ….because of the OLED vs. the OLED….but screen size is something to consider any way….

3) camera
now DSI has a pritty desent camera for its size …in fact it has 2 of them
PSP has a camera u can buy for it…but is realy shity and almost completely useless unless u use it for just plainly taking pix……BORING
And the ipod touch has a camrera as well….wich works realy cool for some games and apps but once again I don’t realy need a 1-2 mega pixel camera to take photos, that turn out still bleeding and fuzzy. But the DSI actoly has 2 OMG 4 mega pixel cemeras, and a built in photo eddetor. OMG
Zune has no camera….that being said I still don’t want one on it any because 1 that would make the zune thicker, and 2 I only want it for the DSI

4) games ok so as the prtibal xbox idea goes its guna take a few months to build its library but its pumping fast to do so, but in that thought I cant realy compare games from the zune just yet…but that being said id have to say that the DSI still wins
Simply because it has 2 screen, one touch, has 2 cameras, and now it has a Sd card slot, so it pritty much has the gaming experience down, it might not have the best graphix but it still rapes at gaming. So GO DSI
That being said and all things considerd, zune and DSI rape
OH also the points u buy for Wii well work on ur DSI as well. So that’s also a plus
So sorry but ipod touch and PSP…..u fail,
And u still end up saving money getting a zune for $20 cheeper then ipod touch
And get a DSI for $50 cheeper then PSP GO. So HAY save money and actoly get your moneys worth with what u spend save that $20-$50 dollars and buy points or I don’t know PUT IT IN THE BANK

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