ok dame it, rumers of the next wii come up and so logicly news about xbox comes....from no ware, and yet every one is talking about it, so let me take time to say first off their has bin no word on a new xbox as THEY JUST RELEACED KINECT
BUT, lets also take this time to reflect on what the next xbox should/might have
1) blue ray......ya well DUH
2) posible track pad sensative controller
3) kinect carry over, see thats the thing about wirless, and backwards compatibilaty is logicly you could carry over old controllers. NOW as a track pad controller would be a nice move by xbox (not sure why/how it would be used, but they found lots of them for windows 7 so it shouldent be to hard) but all 3 systems should just carry over their last set of motion controlls.
4) 3D, love it hate it, they still well likely have more support for it, by the end of 2011 lots of GLASSES FREE tv's and yes even MULTI veiw glasses free tv, (no doubt the 3DS well upgrade to this later on) and i have a feeling like custome sound track they well made 3D more of a option rather then a random chance a game well have it.
5) blue tooth controlls, allowing for other controlls, head sets, or using the track pad mouse and a blue tooth keyboard for pc style game play.
6) more mobile suport with the phone, more integration, and see a windows chat built for the MS ecosystem allowing well devices (most likely through a live or MSN chat application) to chat through all devices.
7) free xbox live, the last xbox live was 50$ a month, now its 50$ a year, next time its likely to be less or to be free.
8) as windows phone 7 has integraded a little of every thing (office, xbox, zune, explorer, apps, non xbox games, social, cloud) and seeing how amazingly it was pulled off, i think the next xbox should also have this, wile still being gaming/media centric i think they can bring a better zune program, one that well reflect whats on your pc, zune well carry 3d movies, we can see a word pad/ office pregram and work through cloud, PC at home, tablet at school, xbox on the couch, laptop at coffee/lunch/plane, and phone on the go. and no matter ware you are you can pull up your sky drive account and access that info.
well have a web broser/ with flash, (wii can do it)
and would be just fantastic to have a cloud stream pc to xbox. YES most computers have a HDMI adapter, and most HD tv's even suport a computer screen port, but how nice would it be if i could streem my PC to tv using my xbox, and with no cords.
9) all controllers well be play and charge, not have a seperet kit, not have a AA battery pack ill have to swich out for a charge pack when i get a play and charge.
10) more detailed avatars, and more games that use avatars, wii uses avatar games all the time, for both wii and now 3DS. granted xbox dues have a few but most are non comershal games (indi or arcade) and the indi ones are kind of boring...like paint ball. so it would be cool to have better avatar suport in games, also it would be cool to have a RPG system tied to avatar items for RPG avatar games, so certin clothing or pets well mean something later on in the game.
maybe this well just be tied to a avatar RPG, but it would still be cool for that pet draggon and light saber to do something other then a short animation. and when im spending 2-3 dollers on avatar items i know its going some ware. now the 3DS hase a RPG kind of like this...it runs off of hats and color of your shirt, but its a pre instaled RPG game in the system, so this could be a pre set game for the new xbox, and when you buy new items they work for you in game play.
im sure their is MORE every one well want to add but i think i got 10 good ones in their that well more shape new game play rather then just complaining or saying what she should change.