1) so clearly their is the AR, and photo taking upgraded from the game on the wii that let you take photos to your SD card. this would also be cool to send share with friends.
2) perfect fit for 3D with its 2 fighting style and layered back grounds and use(sprits) really make the game fit for 3D.
3) multi-player, with the new friend code system worked out much better, the WIFI and local play, means that the game is going to be grate for multi-player.
4) street pass, this game would be perfect for that, passing around custom levels, photos, and stats. even a trophy battle like super street fighter 4.
5) trophy display would also be grate for AR cards, photos, and 3D. could even trade extra trophys u earn with street pass.
6) the bottom screen could be used for a whole map style mode, or used for fast attacks.
7) story mode, the portable game would be grate for a story mode because its a more .
personal device.
8) video, now that the 3DS has a 3D screen, cut scean videos can be in 3D as well,this would also be a interesting add on.
im sure Nintendo can come up with more things to add, but this is something to think about
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