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Friday, March 25, 2011

nook color updates and apps

big news for those of you who have a nook color or looking to get one (me)!
the nook color is getting updates like flash (something ipad and iphone, and itouch have never had, and probably never well)
it also getting a app store (yes with angry birds) a android e-mail client. and more mags.this comes in April. read hear on cnet for more

Monday, March 21, 2011

2011 updates for windows phone 7

for those of you who bought a windows phone 7 or plan on getting one more updates are on the way this year.

hear is a list of what is to come

IE 9 with HTML 5
3rd party multitasking and a film strip veiw of all open apps.

also the latist update was in feb, but is having some problems but is getting sorted out.
it adds copy paste, faster loading, and a changed up market place.

ill talk more as detials are made

6 days till 3DS

its only days before the launch of the 3DS, but i don't have much time as im moving between houses so i thought i would take the time now to say some words before the 27th
but i also wanted to say that some best buy stores well having a midnight launch and some stores well be open early so u can claim your system, and they well have some demos up says reports so go check it out.
only 6 days till launch and if the us is any thing like japan then their are going to be a lot of sold out signs already. so if i can get one i well try to make a review for you all. if not i well when they are back in stock.

Friday, March 18, 2011

HTC arrive sprint first window s7 phone on CDMA network

this phone well be coming out march 20th for about 200$ (with contract). but of course if you decide to pay extra you can of course get it flashed over to cricket or metro PCS now that windows 7 phone is on CDMA.

their is tell of a verison phone as well but almost no info has bin said on it as its it also a HTC phone and some way its the same with a different name.

the phone is interesting because it has a tilt on the screen after you slide it out, which can make for some some what better laptop like typing. the phone has bin reviewed with lots of praise to the sound quality which is sort of a HTC standard. and because its HTC it well offer a HTC app store, and if you don't have your phone flashed u can still use the sprint app store on top of the windows 7 store, which also offers besides apps and games, but xbox life games with xbox approved quality, and the zune music store. this means that it well have HD videos, movies, tv shows, and zune music, but also means you can use zune pass on the go with your mobile phone and stream all the music you want for as long as your zune pass is good for.
a lot of the apps that use music have a cool tagging option to tag songs you like and adds them to your zune music cart.

the 7 phone also offers a free mobile office, cut & paste. a browser with tabs and flash mobile is coming (adobe and MS have said)
and multitasking has bin said to come later this year.

the phone also offers a smart calander integrated with oulook
has support for sky drive (25GB of free cloud data)
and a smart phone book that syncs your social media sites like facebook
so that a phone contact can have all not just call and text
all windows 7 phones have HD video recording (720p) and 5 mega pixel photo.
watch the key note hear about 30% they talk about new things.
like comparing to iphone, HTML5 IE9 (with software acceleration) and much more including showing of a glimps of kinect support

(which could allow for face time via kinect)
this well be the phone that i end up getting my self so i can tell you its more then a smart buy

windows 8 as of march 18th 2011

not a lot is known about the new W8 BUT, since a lot of word is going around of the new system and UI. their has also bin a lot of talk about what is going to be in the new version of windows.
so lets get to the rumors shall we?

1) people are saying that the UI well boot in several flavors. in other words the UI well boot to a point then ask what your going to use the system for. media/gaming/internet/office/exe or a full version. this would change performance areas in the pc and allow for better performance in that task. if your just going to play a movie then it wont take much power, as ware i gaming would rely more on the graphics card and less on your preprocessor, and the list goes on. this would make the UI amazing for not only at home or laptop, but grate for tablets

2) speaking of tablets, a lot of people say the next version well have touch power. well first let me say im running a touch PC by HP that was built on vista. and touch screens have bin used by windows since 95 so i think would people mean to say is make the UI more touch friendly. but their has bin a leak out that shows metro style icons to be used for windows 8, this is the same UI interface on zune, zune HD, and windows phone 7. which is very touch friendly UI. so to see metro being brought in i have to say that the next version well be touch friendly. Bill gates him self has said that tablets are the future (back in 07) so now that they have a few w7 tabs on the market or as i like to call them Slates, because i think tablet is more of term for the mobile os, not a full os. any ways now that the market is now their that means that this version well be much more tablet styled.

3) tablet hardware friendly. this new version is sure to add on support for motion controls, GPS, and the like to be more tablet efficient, rather then add those things just to a tablet version.

4) touch programs, windows dues have some touch programs built just for showing off on windows 7, this touch is just a few games, a photo table, and things of that. which are just modified versions of the stuff we see on surface. which is also coming out with version 2 this year.

5) new versions of the basics with touch innovation, media center, media player, movie maker, zune, photo gallery, live photo, office, paint, outlook, IE, live movie maker, live mssnger, and the rest. no doubt some of them well even have visual support as kinect has bin working its way into PC's as well.

6) kinect, lots of people have bin hacking in to the hardware and using it for new applications and programs in life out side of gaming, so MS took the hint right away with its 10,000,000 units sold in 4 months and got to work making it for use in W7, so W8 well sure to be not just touch, but kinect friendly as well.

7) grouping tool bar, their has bin some talk about the toolbar being able to group your programs together so that all of your browsers are in one spot, all of your media players are in another on your toolbar, by hovering over them a display well show all thats inside. this is a sign that they well be taking a lot of W7 and making some evo improvements and some smart design improvements.

now of course most of this is just talk, but not all of it is me so no doubt some of this well work its way in to the new UI/OS. and thus their is more reason to get excited other then better performance. but their is also the reason to get excited for new hardware to support this OS. and is supposedly coming out next year. so cheers

Thursday, March 17, 2011

what the xbox 720 (3) should look like

ok dame it, rumers of the next wii come up and so logicly news about xbox comes....from no ware, and yet every one is talking about it, so let me take time to say first off their has bin no word on a new xbox as THEY JUST RELEACED KINECT
BUT, lets also take this time to reflect on what the next xbox should/might have

1) blue ray......ya well DUH

2) posible track pad sensative controller

3) kinect carry over, see thats the thing about wirless, and backwards compatibilaty is logicly you could carry over old controllers. NOW as a track pad controller would be a nice move by xbox (not sure why/how it would be used, but they found lots of them for windows 7 so it shouldent be to hard) but all 3 systems should just carry over their last set of motion controlls.

4) 3D, love it hate it, they still well likely have more support for it, by the end of 2011 lots of GLASSES FREE tv's and yes even MULTI veiw glasses free tv, (no doubt the 3DS well upgrade to this later on) and i have a feeling like custome sound track they well made 3D more of a option rather then a random chance a game well have it.

5) blue tooth controlls, allowing for other controlls, head sets, or using the track pad mouse and a blue tooth keyboard for pc style game play.

6) more mobile suport with the phone, more integration, and see a windows chat built for the MS ecosystem allowing well devices (most likely through a live or MSN chat application) to chat through all devices.

7) free xbox live, the last xbox live was 50$ a month, now its 50$ a year, next time its likely to be less or to be free.

8) as windows phone 7 has integraded a little of every thing (office, xbox, zune, explorer, apps, non xbox games, social, cloud) and seeing how amazingly it was pulled off, i think the next xbox should also have this, wile still being gaming/media centric i think they can bring a better zune program, one that well reflect whats on your pc, zune well carry 3d movies, we can see a word pad/ office pregram and work through cloud, PC at home, tablet at school, xbox on the couch, laptop at coffee/lunch/plane, and phone on the go. and no matter ware you are you can pull up your sky drive account and access that info.
well have a web broser/ with flash, (wii can do it)
and would be just fantastic to have a cloud stream pc to xbox. YES most computers have a HDMI adapter, and most HD tv's even suport a computer screen port, but how nice would it be if i could streem my PC to tv using my xbox, and with no cords.

9) all controllers well be play and charge, not have a seperet kit, not have a AA battery pack ill have to swich out for a charge pack when i get a play and charge.

10) more detailed avatars, and more games that use avatars, wii uses avatar games all the time, for both wii and now 3DS. granted xbox dues have a few but most are non comershal games (indi or arcade) and the indi ones are kind of paint ball. so it would be cool to have better avatar suport in games, also it would be cool to have a RPG system tied to avatar items for RPG avatar games, so certin clothing or pets well mean something later on in the game.
maybe this well just be tied to a avatar RPG, but it would still be cool for that pet draggon and light saber to do something other then a short animation. and when im spending 2-3 dollers on avatar items i know its going some ware. now the 3DS hase a RPG kind of like runs off of hats and color of your shirt, but its a pre instaled RPG game in the system, so this could be a pre set game for the new xbox, and when you buy new items they work for you in game play.

im sure their is MORE every one well want to add but i think i got 10 good ones in their that well more shape new game play rather then just complaining or saying what she should change.

smash borthers 3ds

this game is in no way bin announced. BUT i thought it would be fun to talk about it. as im sure it would be a plausibility since the graphics of the 3DS are perfect for it. and smash brothers being a side 2g fighting game (playing style not grpahics) would make it perfect for 3d as the screen game is in layers already. and would be perfect for snapping photos, could even have the back ground cut out and use AR to snap chericter photos in real life.

1) so clearly their is the AR, and photo taking upgraded from the game on the wii that let you take photos to your SD card. this would also be cool to send share with friends.

2) perfect fit for 3D with its 2 fighting style and layered back grounds and use(sprits) really make the game fit for 3D.

3) multi-player, with the new friend code system worked out much better, the WIFI and local play, means that the game is going to be grate for multi-player.

4) street pass, this game would be perfect for that, passing around custom levels, photos, and stats. even a trophy battle like super street fighter 4.

5) trophy display would also be grate for AR cards, photos, and 3D. could even trade extra trophys u earn with street pass.

6) the bottom screen could be used for a whole map style mode, or used for fast attacks.

7) story mode, the portable game would be grate for a story mode because its a more .
personal device.

8) video, now that the 3DS has a 3D screen, cut scean videos can be in 3D as well,this would also be a interesting add on.

im sure Nintendo can come up with more things to add, but this is something to think about