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Sunday, January 3, 2010

reveiwing the DSI

so i just got the NIN-tendo (Nintendo) DSI
latter i well be doing a review on youtube

so hears what i have to say for now

having had the first DS, and have had my hands on the DS light
id have to say that it still ways some ware in the range of the DS light, and still much lighter then the first DS

now their are several NEW added things, and a much bigger change then going from DS to DS light.
first off i have to point out this

(game slots)
tottely bumbed out over the loss of the GBA game slot. and since the Wii dues not have what the game cube had to play GBA on the game cube....i have to say im sads

that being said their is still clearly a card slot for DS/DSI games

(whats NEW)
~ wireless/broser~
ok DS has always had the obilaty to connect over the internet for online play
and the DS had a game wich you could buy that would allow u to surf the web
but the new relace of the DSI now includes a built in web broser, and uses both screens
one for zoom in, one for zoom out, and u can swich between the 2. the broser its self is MUCH like that of the Wii, only a DS version.
its also about a 8/10 on the fast scale on loading pages.
you can also save faverits, and even use a ...useless hand writing obilaty to type. wich is just silly when u have a touch key bored that is just YEARS faster

ok the DSI wich stands for D-ueal S-creen I-ndividuality
as the Wii stands for we as in togetherness and family and the "i"'s stands for a person. the i in the DSI stands for a single person.
the DSI has severial costimizing options, color change, name, brithday registration, naming your DSI, saving faverit places to you broser, and even arangeing the programs you have on your DSI in what ever order you want.
the DSI also comes with 2 built in cameras. furthering your customization by allowing you to
take photos, eddet photos, and the DSi well pik your last pik taken and put it on the top screen to veiw as a "wallpapper-esk" ...thing

how ever something anoiying is every time you take a pik it well make the ""CLICK"" sound...even when you have volume OFF or have headphones in.

~DSI sound~
the new DSi has a SD card slot just like the Wii and used just the same to store, games, save info, and now piks...AND like to say MP3 ...but thats not what it some file save i have NEVER heard off...but i guess thats cus i dont use a MAC or any lame product they have made.
but any way its a Itunes music file. so good news for you that use ipod and mac, you can use itunes to convert your music to this file type...then u can put the music on your DSI, and play it. even eddet it with random things like pich and speed change, and even do other such random things like make ur music sound like a 8-bit style.
my question for this is....well if you have itunes then you most likely have a whats the point of taking all the time and energy just to play that music on your DSI when you most likely have your ipod right next to you.
that being said its still a interesting thing to have...even though it is not realy an PM3 file. and in fact this file type reduces quality of the music. so i realy dont understand it. HOW EVER
their is also the obilaty to record your voice (or what ever) through the DSI mic
and also save eddet the recordings on the new and extended inturneal memorie.
well since the world has just gottem more and more APP zombies ever sinc the first palm piolet has come out (what happend to those)
their are apps and games you can down load on the DSI shop channel
tottely exciting.
you can down load them to your internal memorie or SD card.
and u can use the same account you have from your Wii.

ill finish this latter look out for the finished blog reveiw tomaro

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